How best to utilise Acupuncture for IVF.


Assisted conception is becoming more and more common and many people believe that IVF automatically results in pregnancy.  However as anyone involved in fertility will tell you, conception is not always easy and there are a number of things that can affect fertility. 

IVF is costly, so to be better prepared is not only good for your health, but also your wealth.  Research suggests that people who receive Acupuncture pre and post IVF procedures, better their chances of a successful full term pregnancy.   Acupuncture during IVF is time sensitive though, so what is the best timing for your acupuncture appointments and the reasoning behind them???

April 18th, 2018|

Why it’s so important to have acupuncture treatments during your first trimester.


We are always so excited for our patients when they become pregnant! Sometimes it’s been a long road to success, and sometimes it’s completely unplanned. Either way, the first trimester is such an important time to be taking care of yourself — and we want to help!

 Many women don’t realize that not only is acupuncture generally safe during pregnancy, treatments by highly experienced practitioners can make all the difference during this incredibly special time.

How, you ask? Allow me to enlighten you!

April 3rd, 2018|
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